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5 Articles
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Where can I find my ICP number? (gas)
What is ICP number? Each premise has a unique ICP (installation control point) number that identifies it as an individual connection and how it is connected to the gas network. ICP numbers are made up of 15 characters, for example, 0000123456NB7A0...
What is natural gas?
Natural gas and LPG are both in use in New Zealand, and there are some differences between the two that you should be aware of. What is natural gas? - Natural gas is a highly combustible odourless and colourless hydrocarbon gas largely compos...
Required Clearances - GMS (Gas Measurement System) exclusion zone
Any metering work to be done will require the site to meet Metering GMS exclusion zone compliance as of today's standards. Which means the electrical appliances need to be removed/relocated out of the GMS exclusion zone. *The Gas Measurement Sy...
Gas New Connection Process
** Due to the significant reduction in gas production in New Zealand, Megatel is currently not accepting new gas connections or meter rehangs for both residential and business. Are you considering adding a gas connection to your property? We a...
Do you have bottled gas?
Megatel does not offer bottled gas. However, we can still help you to get natural gas (piped gas) connected to your property.
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