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Joining & Move address
7 Articles
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Joining & Move address
7 Articles
in this category
Transitioning a Building/Property from Business to Residential Use and Pricing for Energy and Broadband Services
Transitioning a Building/Property from Business to Residential Use and Pricing for Energy and Broadband Services If your current electricity, gas or broadband pricing are designated for business purposes and you intend to switch them to resi...
Can I have an email account?
If you have an email address supplied by your current internet service provider, it is ‘owned’ by your provider. We are unable to transfer the email address and we do not offer an email service. You can choose to set up an email account with a free...
How long will it take to get connected?
Once we confirm your switch to us, we’ll be in touch to let you know your expected connection date. If you are simply transferring suppliers and keeping the same broadband technology fibre to fibre, you can expect to be up and running in around 5-1...
Do you offer static IP's?
Yes, we can provide you with a Static IP address for $10 per month. Please send us a message on MyMegatel App for your request.
Do I need to contact my current provider?
Yes, it’s your responsibility to contact your current service provider to advise them you’re switching to us and to cancel your account with them. Most providers have 30 days notice period and it's also a good idea to check any T&Cs you m...
NZ Post Operating Hours
Did you miss the delivery or have you not received the parcel yet? Please contact NZ Post. 1. NZ Post operating hours In NZ: 0800 501 501 Overseas: +64 9 977 0102 NZ Post is available Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm, excluding public holidays....
Customer Care Policy
Megatel has a consumer care policy. We will work with you/want to work with you: to try to keep your services connected if you are having payment difficulties; and to make sure you have every opportunity to be on the best pricing plan to meet your n...
Change password!
Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
Current password
Current password is required
New password
New password must be at least 8 characters long. It should contain at least one upper and lower case letter, number, and a special character.
Confirm password
Confirm password must be at least 8 characters long. It should contain at least one upper and lower case letter, number, and a special character.
Confirm password should be same as new password
Change profile
First Name
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last Name
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
New email
Enter a valid email
Re-enter your password
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.