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Types of Power Meters in New Zealand
UN - Anytime Meter (or Uncontrolled Meter) An Anytime (or Uncontrolled) Meter provides a simple flow of electricity to the property 24 hours a day, charged at one rate. This is the most common type of meter in New Zealand homes and is commonly us...
How do I read my meter? (electricity)
There are several types of electricity meters which could be used at your property. So please check this information for how to read your type of meter. Digital and odometer meters Read the meter numbers from left to right, ignoring any numbers af...
Meter reseal
Meter Reseal Meter reseal refers to the process of sealing an electricity meter after it has been moved to a new location or if it has been temporarily unsealed for maintenance or repair purposes. This ensures the integrity and accuracy of the me...
Meter bridge issue
Meter Bridge Issue A meter bridge issue refers to a situation where there is a physical or electrical connection between two separate metering points or circuits, bypassing the meter and causing it to malfunction and stop recording accurate meter...
Meter Reading Investigation
Meter Reading Investigation Meter reading is an essential part of managing electricity consumption and ensuring accurate billing for customers. Occasionally, discrepancies or issues may arise that require a meter reading investigation. However, y...
Meter Relocation
Meter relocation may become necessary when you need to move your electricity meter to a different location within your property. This could be due to various reasons, including renovations, changes in property layout, or accessibility requirements.&...
Electricity Capacity Change
Capacity change refers to modifying the electricity capacity provided to a property based on changes in energy requirements. Whether you need to increase or decrease your electrical capacity, there are several important considerations to keep in min...
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