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My Internet is not working
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There are few things to check first before we take you for further help.
If you are new to Megatel, please ensure that:
- You have received a text message from us that your broadband order has been completed and you are ready to connect. Please let us know if it has passed your requested connection date.
- Either you have received a router from us or you have configured your own router. You may still need to configure a router from us.
If you have used our broadband service before, please ensure that:
- In case you have moved to a new address, You have received a TXT message from us that your broadband order has been completed and you are ready to connect.
- You have checked Fibre Box (ONT) is working, your router is configured correctly and have tested Internet connection with different devices (such as mobile, tablet, laptop, desktop) both in Wi-Fi and Ethernet (using a physical LAN cable) connections.
- Any planned or unplanned outage in your area.