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11 Articles
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11 Articles
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How will you pay me for my exported generation?
Customers will see the amount of export generation they are selling to us on the back of their electricity invoice. The buy back rate is 13 cents per kWh. Please note Megatel does not offer a standard buy-back rate for customers who generate electri...
What is the difference between a low user and standard user electricity plan?
Being on the right electricity plan for your home could save you money. We offer Standard User and Low User plan options for most of our residential electricity plans (note the Low User plan is only available at your primary residenc...
Energy saving tips
Energy Savings Tips There are lots of things you can do to make the most of your electricity and keep your power bill down. Appliances Drying clothes outside saves $1 a load Turning off your second fridge can save $200 a year Switching of...
Power line safety information
Your Safety Around Power Lines Your co-operation is needed to ensure that the design and construction precautions taken for your safety by Megatel are effective in operation: Treat all powerlines as live at all times Always report any unsafe act...
How do I choose the right electricity plan?
Being on the right electricity plan for your home could save you money. We offer Standard User and Low User plan options for most of our residential electricity plans (note the Low User plan is only available at your primary residence and does not ...
Single-Phase vs Three-Phase
When comparing single-phase and three-phase power supplies, several key differences emerge: Single-Phase Necessitates Two Wires: A single-phase power supply relies on two essential wires: phase and neutral. In contrast, a three-phase power supply f...
Vector Entrust Dividend - What You Need to Know
Vector Entrust Dividend - What You Need to Know Every year, Entrust distributes a dividend to all Vector electricity customers within the Entrust district. This dividend is paid to customers whose names appear on the electricity bill on the roll...
WEL Electricity Discount Programme 2024
WEL Networks Limited (WEL) is your local electricity lines company. We own and maintain the lines and other power equipment that brings electricity from the grid to your gate in the WEL Networks area. Please check more information from here
Top Energy lines dividend 2024
Top Energy lines discount/dividend FAQs May 2024 Top Energy is the Consumer Trust owned electricity lines company. As a Consumer Trust, we are owned by the Far North consumers connected to the electricity network. If you’re connected to th...
Northpower discount payment for 2024
Benefiting our Northland consumers (from Northpower website ) For the year commencing 1 April 2024, Northpower Limited will provide a discount in the form of two payments for the benefit of Northpower consumers totalling an estimated $15.8m. T...
Counties Energy Annual Discount 2024
Am I eligible? To be eligible for this payment you need to have been connected to the Counties Energy network on 1 November 2024. The discount is calculated as a percentage of the network charges at the property from 1 November 2023 to 31 October...
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Confirm password should be same as new password
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