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10 Articles
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About eSIM
What is a SIM? A SIM (Subscriber Identify Module) is a physical card used to store information that uniquely identifies a mobile service. What is an eSIM? An eSIM is a SIM that stores mobile provider profiles digitally which means yo...
Activate your eSIM (English)
We have a new APP How do I activate eSIM? 1. Ensure your mobile device is compatible with eSIM first. You can check your device from our eSIM compatibility list here . 2. Sign up for our mobile service. We will send you an email with a QR co...
Activate your eSIM (Korean)
eSIM을 어떻게 활성화 하나요? 1. 먼저 휴대폰 기기가 eSIM을 지원하는지 확인하세요. 저희의 eSIM 호환 목록 에서 기기를 확인할 수 있습니다. 2. 모바일 서비스에 가입하세요. 3일 이내에 QR 코드가 포함된 이메일을 받으실 것입니다. 3. 메가텔로부터 받은 이메일을 열어 QR 코드를 확인하고, 휴대폰 기기의 카메라로 QR 코드를 스캔하세요. 이렇게 하면 eSIM 프로필이 휴대폰 기기에 다운로...
Activate your eSIM (Chinese)
如何激活eSIM? 首先确任您的移动设备支持eSIM. 点击 here 查询您的设备是否eSIM兼容. 申请我们的手机移动服务. 我们将在3个工作日内向您发送一封带有QR码的电子邮件. 打开我们发送给您的电子邮件,检查其中的QR码,然后使用您的移动设备相机扫描QR码。它将下载并激活您的eSIM到您的移动设备上. 请确保仅在您打算使用的设备上扫描QR码. 设置第二个线路:如果您的设备支持双卡,您可能需要设置一个默认线路用于语音、数据和短信。如果您正在转移号码,请保持当前的SI...
What devices are compatible with eSIM?
How do I check if your device supports eSIM? Simply enter *#06# on your device and check if you can view EID (eSIM Identifier) on your device to determine if your device is eSIM capable. What devices are compatible with eSIM? ** Our mobile...
How to check your prepay SIM number?
What is a SIM number? Your SIM (subscriber identity module) or called as ICCID is a unique number and normally printed on your SIM card. It is usually also printed on the SIM card packaging so please keep the packaging in case you need to swap it...
How to check your mobile account number?
What is mobile account number? If you are on a "Pay Monthly" plan with your current provider, you can find your account number from your monthly invoice. This number is usually used for a monthly billing and/or manage your account online. You need ...
3IN1SIM activation (English)
Step 01 Do not insert a new sim card Install mobile app Download the MyMegatel mobile app. You can search "MyMegatel" on Google Playstore or App Store. After installation Login the MyMegatel app. Your username will be the regi...
3IN1SIM activation (Korean)
1 단계 새 심카드를 아직 넣지 마세요. 모바일 앱 설치 MyMegatel 앱을 구글 플레이스토어 또는 애플 앱스토어에서 검색하여 다운로드 합니다. 앱 설치 후 MyMegatel에 로그인 합니다. 가입시 등록된 이메일 주소가 고객님의 로그인 아이디 입니다. First time login 을 누르시고, 등록된 이메일 주소를 넣고 “전송”을 누르신 후, 이후 받으신 이메일 가이드에 따라 비밀번호 세팅을...
3IN1SIM activation (Chinese)
步骤1 不要插入新SIM卡 安装手机App 下载MyMegatel手机App. 您可以在谷歌商店或 苹 果商店搜索Mymegatel. 安装以后 登录MyMegatel App. 登录名是您注册的邮箱地址, 请点击 ”忘记密码” 或者 ”首次登录” 来设置密码. 请确认旧卡可转移后再继续步骤2. 新卡激活后, 旧卡将永久失效. 步骤2 不要插入新SIM卡 输入SIM卡号码 登入MyMegatel APP,...
Change password!
Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
Current password
Current password is required
New password
New password must be at least 8 characters long. It should contain at least one upper and lower case letter, number, and a special character.
Confirm password
Confirm password must be at least 8 characters long. It should contain at least one upper and lower case letter, number, and a special character.
Confirm password should be same as new password
Change profile
First Name
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last Name
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
New email
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Re-enter your password
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