Why is my bill an estimate?
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Why is my bill an estimate?

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Why is my bill an estimate?

The majority of properties have a smart meter which transmits readings but there are still some properties with a legacy meter that requires a meter reader to read a number from your meter.

There are a number of factors that causes either under or over-estimated of meter reading.

  • Faulty smart meter: your smart meter may be fault and not communicating properly now.
  • Billing cycle: we arrange a meter reader to visit once a month to get an actual reading. But, our billing cycle covers the period from the 1st of each month until the end of the month and there is a possibility that the end of month read (last date of each month) may be estimated if the actual reading is taken during the middle of the month.
  • No access to the meter: we couldn't access your meter due to your meter is inside of your property, behind a locked gate or a dog present at the site.
  • No previous data on your usage: this could happen when you just signed up the service with us and it's the first time we've billed you.
  • Change of your circumstances or season: you may have more or less people living with you than usual or you may have installed a new appliance that increases a daily usage. You may have started using an appliance like a heat pump or electric heaters.

To ensure the accuracy of our estimate, we suggest taking a photo of your meter and compare it with our estimated reading as well as the actual reading. If you notice a significant difference between the estimated and actual reading, please update your meter photo here for the reference.

How do I check if my bill was estimated?

To find out if your bill is based on an estimated meter reading, simply go to the second page of your bill. Locate the bill labelled 'This reading'. If it indicates an 'estimated', it means that your bill has been calculated using an estimate.

If you want to verify the accuracy of the estimate or if both the previous and latest readings are estimated, you have the option to provide a reading here

If you have been significantly over or under-estimated, we will be happy to make a necessary adjustment to your bill. Otherwise, the next actual reading will automatically correct any differences. If you have any concerns of an estimated meter reading, we can discuss getting actual readings in the future.

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